






Liu Granville Island is located in the Gulf population, from urban tourism Terminal 2.1 sea miles, trel by boat to reach 20 minutes. It faces the Yellow River Shuiyun pain, back then Granville azure bay, known as "unsinkable battleship" of. North Island South Liu steep relief, 4.08 kilometers from east to west, north and south the width 1.5 km, the narrowest 0.06 kilometers, 14.95 kilometers long coastline, with an area of 3.15 square kilometers, the highest mountain 153.5 meters above sea level. 10,000 ares Bihai Island East, Island West and the urban areas across the sea. Dense vegetation in the island, green and luxuriant, mainly in black, up to more than 2,700 acres, was named in 1985 for the National Forest Park. Liu island in 1999 was named the Ministry of Construction of "national scenic area of civilization."

Liu Island Attractions

Liu island for the state 4A-class scenic areas. Chinese Sino-Japanese War Museum, Exposition Liugongdao, Sino-Japanese War nal museum, Liu island national forest parks, attractions刘公庙. Weihai sea for the natural barrier of defense has an extremely important position.

Shidao Chishan Scenic Area

Shidao Chishan scenic spots for the state AAAA-class tourist attractions, the three major scenic spots is one of Weihai, is located in the largest fishing port in northern China - Shidao Hong Kong, a radius of 12.8 square kilometers.

Chishan, as early as the Spring and Autumn Period on the Yellow Sea雄峙, Shou Shidao squat to Hong Kong, South Korea and Japan in South Asia to communicate and merchants gathered together to become famous in northern China. Chishan to "Eastern Mountain", "Buddhist resort," "island folk", "Forest Park" and known for. Weihai ailable only temple of the Buddhist temples Millennium - France and China Institute; world Guanyin unique dynamic musical fountain square - Paradise Buddha sector; the world's largest statue锻铜, China's first sea statues - Chishan Myojin (San Ming dynasty Habitat); classic reproduction of fisheries in northern China Jiaodong folk culture and the history of things like changes in the Folk Museum - Folk Museum Rongcheng; account of the Korean national hero, maritime trade the life of Zhang Bao Gao Paul Gao Chang feat Museum biography; show profound Buddhist culture and the Japanese yen monk Hui Tang method to Chishan experienced Temple; Shandong Province, the largest category of natural stone exhibition hall - Ya Shi Shi-lian Museum, Jade Museum, such as the top ten landscape areas, and the establishment of the earliest temples north - Tin Hau Temple; rare natural wonders -仰天Buddha. Forest Park, marine park, bathing beach, Phoenix Lake, a fishing village, flower village, the village folk painting village even point into a line of beautiful, not only to accommodate the Buddhism and Taoism, the essence of Confucian culture, but also concentrates the Shanhai the ultimate scenery is "Mountain Landscape Tour" and "religious pilgrimage tours," "Island Folk Tour" and the "ecological leisure trel," the Shangri-la.

Weihai International Beach

Weihai International and Liu Beach Island, Chengshan and Weihai as the three major scenic spots, is also one of the best beach is a tourist resort, summer resort of convalescence. ? Beach was founded in April 1992, the年接待游客million. Beach stone door is a sign of construction, it is a dolphin to the west, above, "the international beach," the six characters are well-known calligrapher Weihai autographed by Mr. Su Shengzi book. The east is a hippo, it's a positive with a mermaid carved, life-like, the back of the beach is an international profile, but also to write Mr. Su Shengzai and carvings.

Bathing beaches more than 2,800 meters from east to west, the beach area of 300,000 square meters, can accommodate 100,000 visitors. Acres around the beach and the sea pine相映成趣, beautiful.


Chengshan Scenic Area is located in Rongcheng Chengshan the easternmost mountain range, they are named Chengshan. Chengshan 200 meters above sea level, two kilometers long from north to south, east-west 1.5 kilometers wide, covering an area of 2.5 square kilometers. South Korea across the sea here,仅距94 sea miles, is the most land and sea at the eastern end of the junction, is one of the first places to see the sunrise at sea, so as the "Sun Kai or place", and "Cape of Good Hope in China" known. Chengshan is surrounded by sea and land side access, green mountain peaks, vast blue sea, cliff Weiran, snow wes, magnificent momentum, is an ideal summer resort tourism. In 1988, it has been roved by the State Council as a "state-level scenic spots."


现在基本所有国内的景区都会有中英文标识,有的甚至还有韩语呀日语呀等等。但是像济南护城河游船提示牌这样连大家好都可以翻译成为everybody is good,这句话的意思是每个人都很棒。我觉得这也太尴尬了,现在几乎连小朋友都知道大家好,是hello everyone。还有的翻译直接用拼音翻译,我觉得外国的朋友来看到估计都是一脸蒙圈,不知道这到底是什么意思。






1. No. 54 Qingtai Road, Rongcheng Town, Fuqing City, Fujian Province, China.

2. Room 501 , No. 35 , Second Gongkou Alley, Hanxi Street, Hanjiang District, Putian City, Fujian Provincen, China.(这里的宫口2巷我翻译成Second Gongkou Alley,second是第二条的意思,因为在英语的习惯用法里面,形容词要放在前面,其他的街名都是用拼音+街道/巷/路,的英文来翻译)

3. Room 106, 3rd Building ,No. 120 Eastern Meiyuan Road, Zhenhai Street, Licheng District, Putian City, Fujian Province, China.(Eastern是东部的意思,梅园东路就翻译成Eastern Meiyuan Road)




Introduction to Huangguoshu Scenic Area

1、Huangguoshu Waterfall Scenic Spot:Huangguoshu Waterfall, 77.8 meters (255.2 feet) high and 81(266 feet) meters wide, is a world-famous waterfall, being the only one to be reciated in six directions all over the world. Over 20 km2 (7.7 square miles) centering around Huangguoshu Waterfall is a cluster of 18 waterfalls, which is the biggest waterfalls cluster in the world.

Tianxing Bridge (Bridge of Stars) Scenic Spot: Situated 5 kilometers (3 miles) down the Grand Waterfall, Tianxing Bridge Scenic Spot is made up of Tianxing (Bridge of Stars) Bonsai, Tianxing Ce, Silver Chains Waterfall and Stone Forest on the Water. It is a natural “World of Fairy Tales” combining all the picturesque view of Carst Landforms like stones, water, roots, vine, ces and waterfalls.

Huanguoshu Doupotang (Steep Slope Pool) Waterfall Scenic Spot: Located 1 kilometer (0.6 mile) upriver from the Huangguoshu Waterfall, it serves as the widest (110-meter wide) waterfall among the cluster. It is also called “Roaring Waterfall” due to its deafening sound. Here live precious bird species such as peacocks, black & white swans, Egrets, mallards and mandarin ducks. Hundreds of peacocks fly together at a certain time every day.

Huanguoshu Shitouzhai(Stone Stockade Village) Scenic Spot: It is 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) upriver Huangguoshu Waterfall. All the houses in the village were constructed with stones, hence the name Shitouzhai. The permanent residents here are Bouyei ethnic minority group who are renowned for their traditional handmade wax prints. The village is the unique place awarded and named “The Hometown of Miao Wax Printing in China” by the National Ethnic Affairs Committee.

In addition, there are the flirtatious expressions of folk custom, mainly are the Bouyei and Miao (two ethnic minority groups) and the being exploited sights like Unfathomable Mystery-Red Cliff Relics, Dishuitan Waterfall Scenic Spot, Langgong Scenic Spot and etc..









这个词常用于“The end justifies the means.”这个句子中,意译成“为达目的不择手段”,逐字翻译就是“结果使方法合理正当了”。

比如某人想给慈善机构捐款,但他却偷富人的钱来捐助。你就可以问他:Does donating stolen money to charity justify the stealing itself?



做“信用”时很好翻译,就是credit card。但是做功劳、贡献的时候,好像中文没有对等的词。


▌I’ll give you research credit.


▌They deserve extra credit for hosting all of us for another night!


Extra credit也可以是实体的东西,比如考试上的附加分,就是extra credit。



▌A sule difference in meaning between the words .


▌When it comes to giving criticism, sometimes it's best to take a sule roach.


▌He didn't seem to understand my sule hints.




▌He understands the nuances of American culture. 他理解美国文化的细微之处。



▌The mall is accessible from the highway.

从高速公路下来就可以到商场。(英文释义:can be reached by)

▌The information should be accessible to all.


▌His writing is more accessible now than it once was.

他写的文章比以前的好懂。(英文释义:easily understood)

▌You'll find that the teachers here are quite accessible.

你会发现这儿的老师挺平易近人的。(英文释义:easy to speak with)


大概可以翻译成“间接感受的”,比如一个母亲看到自己的孩子玩得很开心,母亲就感受到了vicarious joy,“间接的快乐”。

英文释义:experienced or felt by watching, hearing about, or reading about someone else rather than by doing something yourself.



例句:The streets in the village are whimsically named.


1. 阳朔十里画廊:Yangshuo Shili Gallery


2.酒店名:画廊别院:Shili Gallery Hotel,
